4 minHousing Market Indicators The Interrelationship Between Economic Indicators and the Housing MarketThe housing market and the overall economy are closely intertwined, with economic indicators often having a significant impact on the...
2 minBuying & SellingMedian Home Prices: The Seasonal CyclesThere is generally a cyclical pattern to home prices. The specific pattern and timing of these price changes can vary significantly...
2 minBuying & SellingBuying During A Recession when Interest Rates Are HighMotivations for investors and people shopping for a personal home are quite different. Here are some reasons why someone might consider...
4 minHousing Market Indicators The Most Trusted Housing Market Indicators: What They Tell Us and Who Publishes ThemHousing market indicators are statistics that reflect the state of the housing market. These indicators can be helpful for homeowners,...